
GIANT Magnet board fun!!!

GIANT magnet board fun!!!
This is our new GIANT magnet board...I bought this at Walmart in the automotive section for $10. I originally saw the idea to buy the oil pan and use it as a kids magnet board from pintrest.  We have been having so much fun with it! This post contains a ton of pictures but please scroll down and see all the fun ways you can use this awesome board! 

Our first activity was a pom pom ball relay track* You will need paper towel rolls, TP rolls, or even a wrapping paper roll cut up! Paint if desired and magnets! 

I happen to have these from another projects so I used these!

cut small U shapes at the tops of all the rolls

once the paint drys add strips of magnet to one side.

Ta Da!

After my son knocked off all of the rolls we made a smaller version ;0

Now for a few more FUN and educational ways to use this board! 
A while back I had a post about making magnetic pom pom balls, in the rest of this post we use those magnetic pom pom balls. So if you would like to see how we made them....CLICK HERE

This is the book I bought for all of the letter and number pages below, it is meant for big 'dot markers' but I pulled out the pages and laminated them. Here's what we did**

These are what the alphabet and number pages look like
and the number pages
These are additional pages....the Letters with the boxes I did not cut up but all of the LETTER and PICTURES I cut up and put a small piece of magnet on each of them. (Remember when working with toddlers or preschool age, UpperCase letter should be your 1st focus!!!) 
Uppercase letter matching

Picture matching

This is were our pom pom balls come in***

Number recognition

I made these by just tracing a water bottle cap on a strip of paper for patterning.....

This is called an AB pattern, can your child finish the pattern??? Orange Yellow Orange Yellow .....

AB patterning

AA B Patterning

Also Try AA BB patterns orange orange yellow yellow

This activity focuses on GROUPING I put all of the pom pom magnets in a pile on the floor and lined up only one of each color on the magnet board....I then asked my son if he could match all of the colors** This is what we had when he was finished***

I was a proud mama!

This can be for counting or even estimating for older children!

This is a great activity for strengthening those fine motor skills!

All of these picture one are from This is Dot book, you can find information about this one on the above link!
Can you finish the rainbow?

Another sorting activity

Another counting activity, again I traced a water bottle cap to make the circles

Can you find 3 red? 4 blue? 5 orange?

Yes I can Mama!

 Here are a few other ways we have used our magnet board these past few weeks:

We played with our beloved Leap Frog letters!!!

We hung up our art work!!
We did free art with the pom pom balls
We love our magnet board!!! If you have any fun ways you are using yours please feel free to share!!!! ENJOY!!!


  1. Hi, I found this awesome project on pinterest. Will you please contact me? Iv got a couple things id like to discuss with you :) ( ) Thanks, look forward to hearing from you! -Trista

  2. Wow! thank you so much for all the great ideas.
    I am overwhelmed with joy.
    This is my first classroom as a Lead Teacher with 3 year olds. I am so excited. I have worked with K-8th grade in an after school program and during summer camp. This is very new for me, but I am excited and looking forward to a great beginning. I will continue to get ideas from your website. I know as I begin to flow with the children the ideas will develop, but it is such a blessing to have people that are willing to share and really point us in the right direction. Thank you so much. You have helped me tremendously.

  3. How did you attach the magnet board to the wall?

  4. I love your ideas! Thank you so much!!

  5. where can i get that "DOT" book?

    1. there is a link in this post to purchase it through Amazon.

  6. I am excited and inspired to try out these ideas with my granddaughter.

    1. I'm so excited to here that!! I'm sure she will love all the things you do with her!!!

  7. I appreciate your wonderful blog; I find it to be really helpful. Continue to share thoughts like this in the future.

  8. 505226AF86AaronDFDA68A7DCJanuary 01, 2025

    ig takipçi


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